Our week of mission climaxed last night in our "Songs of Praise" evening in the school hall . Approx 300 towns folk turned up to sing and hear the Gospel , Roger Carswell spoke clearly, heralding the good news of Jesus Christ ( as he has all week) . Gill ( my better half) also gave her testimony .
On Saturday night John Mosey had been in town . A wonderful Christian man who told the story of how he coped with the sudden death of his only daughter in the Lockerbie air disaster in 1988.
John is a very honest humble man with a powerful message of hope and joy in the midst of much suffering .
On Friday Vinny Commons was over to speak to the youth . Vinny is a football coach at Preston

The Lord has really blessed us this week . We have had great fellowship with Roger Carswell and Roger Carter . The gospel has been preached clearly . Souls have been saved , massive bridges have been built with the community and the members of the church are buzzing at its success ...
So Roger & Roger if you are reading this get your diaries out as we will do it all again in a couple of years time ..
Thanks to all who made this a mission worth remebering .