Steve is keeping us all up to date with his escapades via e-mail . This photo is one he took of the "Great Wall" on Monday ...

I am amazed by this wall ...thousands of miles long ...built to keep people out . It started me thinking about the walls we build to keep God out and the names we call them .
The great wall of health wealth and prosperity .... don't need God if you build this one ( or at least you don't think you need God )
The suffering wall .... the one that says there is no God because we suffer ( those who build this wall don't recognise that God knows all about suffering ...look at the cross of Jesus)
The religious wall .... the one that says I'm a good person I obey the rules ( most of the time ) I go to church now and then ...thats enough ( no it's not listen to what the Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."
Faith first ...belief and trust first .....doing good works must always flow from that ..
Anyway I'm off to Go and knock down any walls that I have built that keep me from a life of faith and trust ...
If you can suggest any other walls that we build then give us all the benefit of your wisdom in the comments ..........