This morning I have been asked to do a school assembly called "Mind the Gap" .It's all about world starvation and how young people can make a difference by trying to bridge the gap between ourselves and third world countries .
Today 16,000 children around the world will die from starvation , thats one child every five seconds ....
Do we care ?. We should . Jesus said that we should " Love our neighbour as ourselves " . God instructs us to help the poor . As Christians we are challenged to be "Lights" in a dark world that is very self centred . With little sense of community
The problem is so big that often we shrug our shoulders and say there is nothing I can do . but there is , the smallest contribution can save one life .
Little things make a huge difference . There are lots of good organisations that are set up to help you help ..... click here for instance ..... why not buy a goat for a village for Christmas ...
Do it...... And save a life