It's been a very bright sunny weekend , darkened a little by Englands poor showing against Portugal . So another 4 yeas to wait !!
Anyway enough of that . On Sat night we had about 60 folk back to the house for a Barbeque . It was great just to chill out on a warm summer evening with friends and neighbours . We will have to repeat it soon . Also by all accounts I didn't manage to poison anyone with my burgers !
On Sunday Anne came over with baby Dillon for a paddle in our new paddling pool ( which has taken over the garden . it's massive and all for £19.99. Anne is off to Cyprus with her husband ( who is in the army) in a few weeks time . We will miss her .
The YPF had a camp feedback worship service on Sunday night and I preached . It was like preaching in a Sauna ...I must have lost 10lbs ( I wish :-) )
Today I had a bad case of post sermon blues , those who preach will know what I mean . I need to pick myself up and speak about the greatest event that mankinf has ever known , the crucifixtion at the ABQ course tonight .