Sunday, November 05, 2006

Pyrotechnic mania

Well it's that time of year again.The air is thick with the smell of gunpowder. Fireworks everywhere . Personally I love them , probably a throw back to my early days in Liverpool when as lads we used to buy "bangers" by the bucketful and make our neighbours lives a misery ... I don't think you are allowed to buy bangers nowadays . Sensible decision because in the wrong hands they can be lethal.

Anyway over the last couple of nights we have celebrated bonfire night with a YPF ( Young Peoples Fellowship ) bonfire courtesy of the Dakin family and £35 worth of Lidl fireworks ( which were a very good buy ). Then last night we had our family gathering . A small box of fireworks, a few sparklers , some marsh mallows to roast on the chimenea along with some toasted tea cakes ...fantastic . We have a lot to thank Guy Fawkes for :-)