Last night at the ABQ course we attempted to answer the Question
" How do we know God exists?" A question that most of us will ask at some point in our lives .
In the time I had I looked at some of the evidence .
1. In the beauty & complexity of our universe. Is it really the result of a random explosion of atoms ? Or could it have been designed and made by a God whose intellect is beyond our comprehension.
( Check out
this web site designed to give you an alternative to evolutionary theory)
2. In the Human race . Why do we worship? Now we may not worship God but we do have a need to worship something . It might be money , fame ,football. Anthropologists ( those who study human nature) conclude that within humans there is a desire to worship something greater than themselves . That desire to worship I believe is from God .
Why do we have an acute sense of right and wrong ? Surely if we were just a random collection of atoms & molecules then rape, murder, lies wouldn't matter . But they do matter . Why ? Because God has written his law on our hearts and because of that we know the difference between right and wrong.
3. Evidence in changed lives.Why is it that countless millions of people down the centuries have testified to the fact that they have had an encounter with God . A God who has literally transformed their lives . Men , women , children ,who tell of the transforming power of a living active God .
A supernatural God is very much alive and he moves amongst us calling us . Is he calling you ?
4. The evidence of the Bible .If you believe that the Bible is God's written word to mankind then you will also believe that God exists . If you don't believe in the Bible as the word of God then I would ask you to do some research . Check out its authenticity , it's historicity with an open mind and be prepared for life changing revelation .
This web site might help you explore some of the facts about the Bible.
Thats the rough guide to the question " Does God exist?" We discussed these issues and many others for an hour and a half last night . If you have questions then e-mail me I will be glad to send you some of the course notes ..
Preparing some advertising for the England world cup games today and then distributing it around the local shops . We are showing all of England's games on the big screen . Come on England :-)