Anger is an emotion that often transforms us into something we would rather not be.
Saturday for me was all about preparation for Sunday . I preached on "Anger management" using Ephesians 4:17-32 as a basis for God's instruction on an emotion that if uncontrolled can cause much heartache and suffering .
I was grateful to Stuart Olyott for his three R's
REDIRECT your anger ...Pray first , look for a solution to your problem that is glorifying to God. A solution that is motivated by kindness and love and not bitterness and rage .
be RECONCILED to those who anger you or who are angered by you ...Don't let the sun set on your anger ...Don't let is fester ....Sort it out before your head hits the pillow .
REPLACE your anger with forgiveness ...."Just as God forgave you through Christ"...Swallow pride ...Be prepared to say I'm sorry and forgive me .
Today is about about preparing for tonights ABQ session ( Answering the Big Questions)
Tonights Big Question is " How do we know that God exists ? " ..I'll let you ponder that one for a day and I'll give you a couple of pointers in tomorrows posting