Thursday, December 01, 2005

Vegetarians and God

I did another RE lesson with year 7's at church today ...great opportunity , particularly because the 6th formers who accompanied them wanted to stay behind and debate some issues . One young lady , who was a vegetarian wanted to know how Christians who are against murder can justify the slaughtering of innocent animals ..... How would you answer that ?

I took her back to Genesis 1 and showed her that originally it wasn't meant to be that way lived in harmony with all animals ...then I showed her what went wrong Genesis 3 ...when sin entered this world ...the whole creative order was turned upside down ... I went on to say that God, after our fall, decreed that we were to eat animals ....but emphasizing that this was as a result of our disobedience ... "Don't blame God" I said ..."blame mankinds sin" made her think and she took a book away with her explaining the basics of the Christian faith ..