Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Christianity Explained

On a Tuesday night I am running a short course on the basics of the Christian faith . Last night we looked at Jesus the Son of God ...His power , his authority , his purity and the claims he made about himself ... The ladies who have been coming along are really getting to grips with the subject matter and because its informal and relaxed people feel that they can ask questions quite openly ..... So if you are in or around Wem and you would like to come along then get in touch with me, you will be more than welcome .

This morning I had a time of prayer and bible study with Michael Holmes one of our elders ( whose birthday it is today ...a young 66 year old ) . Mike is a wonderful man with a real heart for people , both he and he wife Christine work tirelessly in visiting and caring for people within the fellowship ..I admire them both .

Later on I went along to our mums and tots group ....manic ...tons of women ...lots of Children or two dads looking bewildered ...its great .

The rest of the day will be spent contemplating my sermon for Sunday morning at our church plant in Prees ...its a tough text that I have been given to preach on that in our days of political correctness will need careful thought and much prayer before I get my mouth into gear..